Petsitting and Walking Services
Tara Walker: 07578 134255

Puppy Visits
So you've just got a puppy? Great fun aren't they! But now you've found you need some extra help? You've definately come to the right place as PAWS are the puppy care experts. Booking us to do your puppy care visits is really giving them the very best start in life. We will do feeding, short walks, play bonding, socialisation and crate/toilet training in your absence !!
You really don't want them developing bad habits in this vital stage in their development so starting as you mean to go on with plenty of introducing them to daily noises, different people and socialisation with other dogs, big and small is so important. So as soon as their injections have taken effect its best to expose them to lots of every day sights and sounds.

We are the very experts to help you do this. We can come into your home and let your puppy out into the garden, praise and reward them when they relieve themselves, put them back in their crates or safe room and replenish their food and water. We will also clean up any mess and put down fresh puppy pads/newspaper if that's what you use.